Having solar panels installed on your home with a 20 year microFIT contract is like having an income suite, without tenants to worry about.
An article done by ‘Solar Industry’ cites recent studies in California and Colorado which conclude that a solar panel system will increase your home’s value.
“The researchers examined 1,894 PV (photovoltaic/solar) homes sold in California from 2000 through 2009 and compared them to 70,425 non-PV homes sold over the same period and in the same neighborhoods as the PV homes. The researchers made sure that other factors did not affect the sales prices.”
“The (Colorado) study looked at 30 single-family homes in the north Denver area and found that in 22 of 30 case studies, PV systems contributed $1,400 to $2,600 per kW to the home’s market value.”
You can read the complete Solar Industry article by clicking here.
If you would like to read the full study, you can download the following pdf’s: