Customer Satisfaction Guarantee
When you purchase any equipment from Hayter’s we want you to be satisfied. That’s why we offer “100% Satisfaction Guarantee”. Hayter’s is committed to upholding the highest level of installation work performance in the home comfort industry.
Low Price Guarantee
If another company provides you with an estimate that is less than The Hayter Group for identical products and services, show us the estimate and we can match it.
Product Performance
The Hayter Group guarantees that when the cooling/heating system we have installed is maintained and operated properly, the system will perform as we have stated and agreed upon.
  • The installed cooling system will provide a 23C indoor temperature, on a 32C summer day.
  • The installed heating system will provide a 22C indoor temperature, on a -35C winter day.
Clean Home Guarantee
Nothing ruins your impression of a great installation faster than having to clean up after the installers. At The Hayter Group we take steps to ensure your complete satisfaction. Our drop sheets are cleaned regularly, ensuring your floors stay clean. Our technicians will need to go in and out of their van for materials, but their boot covers ensure dirt is not tracked into your home. Our installers clean up after themselves so you don’t have too. We Guarantee that our installers will leave your home as clean, or cleaner than when they arrived.
Free 2nd Opinion
Is somebody telling you that your home comfort equipment needs to be changed? We are happy to have a look and give you a free 2nd opinion. The Hayter Group provides free estimates on new equipment installations. All estimates are provided with no obligation.